Thematic investments: Maximising portfolio potential with major trends

Thematic investments offer a straightforward way to tap into powerful, long-term trends that are shaping our world and providing attractive investment opportunities. By focusing on sustainable investment themes such as Digital Economy, Circular Economy, Healthy Longevity, Water, and Climate, you expand your investment universe and position yourself for the megatrends of tomorrow.

No long essay, just a few facts and figures

We have been investing in the major themes of the future for more than 20 years.

We regularly receive awards, such as the UNCTAD Sustainable Fund award and the Swiss Sustainable Funds award.

We have been investing in the major themes of the future for more than 20 years.

We regularly receive awards, such as the UNCTAD Sustainable Fund award and the Swiss Sustainable Funds award.

Which topic moves you?

You determine how we invest your assets. You determine how we invest your assets.  Target companies that face the global challenges of humanity with a thematic investment. The careful selection of leading and innovative companies in their sector by means of a clearly defined, sustainable and fundamentally active investment process applies to all thematic investments. The rapid response of our experts to developments and trends in the market offers opportunities for profit growth.