Fact check of investment trends in 2023

Just in time for the end of the summer holidays, Anja Hochberg, Head of Multi Asset, unpacks three investment trends set out at the end of 2022. She also looks ahead, identifies investment opportunities and addresses a mega-trend worth billions.

Interview with Anja Hochberg

Anja Hochberg and Veronika Müller-Wilmes are fact-checking our investment trends for 2023

The summer holidays are over and it's time to review the 2023 investment year so far. We will look at three investment trends set out at the end of 2022: 

  1. the renaissance of the multi-asset portfolio,
  2. the soft landing of the economy, and
  3. systemic risks.

It is clear that the rebirth of the multi-asset portfolio has definitely been successful. "In the first half of the year, we achieved absolute returns of between four and seven percent for our customers," says Anja Hochberg in the video interview. When it comes to the expectation of a soft landing for the economy, Hochberg also believes things are on track. What is striking, however, is that most equity markets have gained strongly since the beginning of the year, despite various risks.